Lehman College Nursing Education, Research, and Practice Center
Bronx, New York

Lehman College Nursing photo from Urbahn Architects PLLC website
Lehman College Nursing Education, Research, and Practice Center
Urbahn Architects PLLC
Chongba provided cost estimate for the Lehman College Nursing Education and Practice
center designed by Urbahn Architects which is the centerpiece of nursing simulation lab,
which emulates a clinical environment in which students train for real-world situations
involving pediatrics, labor and delivery, intensive care, and trauma procedures on high-tech
simulated patients remotely monitored by faculty. “This 3-story building is located on the
campus mall, tucked between the Gothic Davis Hall and the Brutalist Carmen Hall, creating
a physically and stylistically challenging context. Our design mediates the two by employing
a contemporary morphology that references the context while creating an altogether new